Abnormal Bleeding Symptoms and Treatment in The Woodlands & Conroe, TX

Having Symptoms of Abnormal Bleeding?

Normal cycles vary over one’s lifetime and between one woman and the next. A regular menstrual cycle occurs every 28 days. While shedding of the uterine lining averages five to seven days in length (5-7 days). For women who experience bleeding more often, or whose menstrual flow lasts longer than this, we consider this to be abnormal bleeding.

What are the Symptoms of Abnormal Bleeding?

Bleeding may become lighter, heavier, shorter, longer, absent or more frequent. Variations which continue could be reason for concern. For instance, bleeding after intercourse or between periods would be considered abnormal bleeding and should be discussed with your Woodlands OBGYN Associates’ doctor.

The following symptoms are indications to our physicians that there may be a health problem. In these instances, scheduling an immediate appointment is the best recommendation:

  • Absence of menstrual cycles
  • Bleeding prior to menopause or spotting
  • Bleeding after intercourse
  • Bleeding after menopause
  • A change in your normal cycle

It will be important for you to share specific dates and instances of abnormal bleeding. Therefore, please bring this information with you to your appointment. Your doctor will begin to identify patterns, potential causes, and appropriate treatments for you.

What Causes Abnormal Bleeding?

Common causes of abnormal bleeding that your doctor will be assessing include:

  • Hormone imbalances
  • Problems with birth control
  • Pregnancy
  • Infection or other problems of the uterus or cervix
  • Uterine polyps or fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Problems with blood clotting

To identify problems and appropriate treatment options, diagnostic tests may be needed. We will work with you to provide the best treatment possible, and to educate you throughout the process. Depending on the issue, diagnostic tests or procedures may include blood tests, pelvic ultrasounds, an endometrial biopsy, hysteroscopy, D&C, or laparoscopy.

Treatment Options

In-office treatments for abnormal bleeding are available. Endometrial ablation can be performed in the office with minimal down time. Should the need arise for more invasive surgical treatment, you can rest assured that you are in good hands with Woodlands OBGYN Associates. Some of the surgeries we perform are:


We’re Here for You

When otherwise healthy women suddenly begin to experience abnormal, very heavy, or infrequent bleeding, this can be scary and extremely uncomfortable. Bleeding is meant to be cyclic and predictable over time; yet for some, changes can indicate health issues and cause for concern.

For additional information on abnormal bleeding, causes and symptoms, browse our Surgical Services pages, they provide details on surgical treatment options. You may also wish to visit the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology website, as well as other trustworthy educational websites listed on our obstetrics and gynecology links and topics of interest page.

Office Information

Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 12 Noon
Location Map: 17183 I-45 The Woodlands, TX 77385

The Woodlands Office



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