Beautiful Skin

You may think that beauty means keeping up with the trends. But, we know better. Makeup, hair, and clothing trends may change from year to year or season to season, but great skin is timeless. Having natural-looking, youthful skin is a great way to look your best every day, and you’ll likely feel the results of looking so good in your self-confidence, too. Movie stars throughout time may vary wildly. Their makeup and clothes may change, but the most beautiful always have great skin. Keep reading for how you can have the most beautiful skin this spring.

Eat Real Foods

Eating a variety of real foods in a rainbow of colors will encourage your skin to get the nutrients it needs to function properly, which also helps it look more beautiful and radiant. Processed foods often contain more preservatives and chemicals that can actually contribute to skin that works harder and looks duller over time.

Try and eat foods that look like what they are in nature, whenever that makes the most sense. Processed foods will no longer look like they did in nature. For example, grapes look like grapes, but snacks and candies may not look like seeds, grain, or nuts anymore. Head to the farmer’s market or the produce section of your grocery store for real foods to help your skin look beautiful.

Minimize Stress

Our collagen levels go down as we get older, and stress is more damaging. Exercising on a regular basis can help release stress in a healthy way, and meditation can help as well.

In Office Treatments

We offer the SmartSkin CO2 Laser Skin Renewal system to help patients rejuvenate the look of their skin. This treatment works by using light energy, focused, strengthened and naturally narrow, to stimulate tissue below the skin level to produce more collagen.

Are you looking for a boost of youth for spring? Give us a call at (281) 364-9898 to learn more about what we can do for you. We offer many different treatments that can be tailored to your specific desires. Beautiful skin can still be yours!

Office Information

Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 12 Noon
Location Map: 17183 I-45 The Woodlands, TX 77385

The Woodlands Office



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